Pre-work vs Post-work?

Work sucks. I have an idea!  

Let's just have fun!!!

I wish it where that easy.  Truly!

But if you're not willing to do the work first, you will suffer needlessly.

One way or another, you have to do the work anyway. 

As you move through your life, your body will hurt often.  Either from working out.  Or from not working out.

Working out will lead to muscle strain and the need for recovery.  

Not working out will lead to muscle weakness and fat gain.  And that is a road to endless body breakage.

As you move through your life, your brain will hurt often.  Either from studying and Learning or from not studying and learning.

Studying and learning will lead to brain fatigue.

Not studying and learning will lead to loss of self-worth and confidence.  And that is a road to doubt and worthlessness.

AS you move through your life, your time will evaporate too fast.

Helping others will lead to a loss of time for yourself.

Not helping others will lead to a life of selfishness and isolation.  And that is a road to sadness and loneliness. 


Don't avoid the work!  That’s one of the Secrets to Happiness!  

Panic AVERTED is far cheaper than panic SURVIVED!
— Seth Godin

A habit of only repairing the roads will lead you to another year wasted.

A habit of paving the roads will lead you to your Bucket Life.  

So let’s do the Work FIRST!

-Greyson Hawe

Thanks for being strong enough to Do the Work!  Can you think of a way that you’re paving instead of just repairing the roads in your life?  Please share it below!

greyson hawe